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Dec. 6 2017
I am blessed to be among the 97 percent of dairy farmers who get to work with their family every single day
Dec. 4 2017
From a young age, I knew I wanted to study agriculture in college. During my youth, my involvement in dairy judging, showing cows, FFA, among other activities, lead to my decision to choose a college with...
Nov. 29 2017
We as an industry, not just dairy but all of agriculture, need to start standing up for each other in unison
Nov. 27 2017
Udder Milk, a New Jersey home delivery company, broke state law according to the New Jersey Department of Health. A cease and desist order
Nov. 22 2017
Each time you ask your friends and family to #ThankAFarmer this holiday season, remember to be a #ThankfulFarmer, too
Nov. 15 2017
The California landscape has always been evolving but recently the change has expedited dramatically
Nov. 8 2017
The argument that America’s Dairyland is not attractive is a flawed one
Nov. 7 2017
“In 2 miles, turn left on Burr Salem Road,” Siri’s charming voice kindly reminds me.If you’re like me, Siri is now part of your drive to any new destination
Nov. 6 2017
There were siblings on teams from Georgia, Arkansas, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, but no one had quite the showing of Alabama’s Gavin and Ethan Rankins
Nov. 6 2017
Teams from Minnesota and Wisconsin were jockeying for the top positions in the youth division
Nov. 3 2017
A recent article appeared in the New York Post about a farmer that lost his life when his cow rammed him against the fence
Nov. 1 2017
Every letter of the alphabet is represented on the farm
Oct. 30 2017
Understanding consumer demands and meeting them remain a challenge
Oct. 27 2017
With a healthy 74-point margin of victory, Spencer County FFA chapter took home the top prize at the 2017 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind
Oct. 25 2017
We have to take care of ourselves as well
Oct. 24 2017
Our first LimFlex-sired bull calf arrived last week. It represents the beginning of another herd size management strategy we’re slowly adopting
Oct. 20 2017
People and organizations are always vying for our time. It can be family members, employees, or friends. Where do we draw the line or step forward to assist?
Oct. 17 2017
It is determination that is woven into the fabric of some of the best dairymen and women I know. It is this characteristic that gets us all through the toughest times and sets the best apart from the rest
Oct. 9 2017
National Farmers Day on October 12 is a great opportunity for consumers to get to know you, trust you, and ask you questions directly
Oct. 7 2017
It was the 6-year-old, Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET, that claimed the Grand Champion Holstein title